Rules And Staff


Tabletop Tavern has the following rules:

  • Be nice
  • Bigotry and Hate Speech will not be tolerated
  • No political discussions
  • No sexual discussions
  • No trolling/spamming
  • No harassment
  • No personal Attacks
  • No witch hunting
  • No advertising without the permission of the board
  • No sexually explicit/ inappropriate content. This includes Discord names and profile pictures
  • Please keep content in relevant channels, constant inability to do so may result in muting
  • The board reserves the ability to mute/deafen/ban/remove any individual on the server for violating the above.
  • The board reserves the right to modify these rules as they see fit.

We have many diverse and unique members at Tabletop. Sometimes that can mean that those you may interact with have different ways of expressing themselves, or needs that go beyond just our rules. What may seem fine to most could be poorly received or misinterpreted. That we ask everyone to please consider the difficulties with online communication and try to give others the benefit of the doubt, as we never know what others may be struggling with. Individuals who may have depression, anxiety, PTSD, disabilities, or other things which profoundly impact their lives. For this reason, it is all the more important that you be respectful when talking amongst you friends here at Tabletop, making sure you know their boundaries, and sympathizing with their troubles. If any of our rules are strained or broken, any of the above mentioned concerns that we are aware of may shape how we approach the situation. It is not about anyone being in trouble, but about establishing the lines that should not be crossed, so everyone feels safe and respected. Thank you.

Constitution:Tabletop Tavern Constitution 11/19/2019

By-Laws:  Tabletop Tavern By-Laws 



President: Santoya Martinez

Vice President: Shyer (Panda) Fabling

Consultant:  VACANT

Secretary: Rachel Dollins

Treasurer: Drew Gibson

Public Relations: Tristan Ruiz

RPG Coordinator: VACANT

Outreach Coordinator: VACANT